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Returns the type of the value stored at the specified key.


TYPE key


  • key: The name of the key for which you want to determine the type.


  • Available since: 1.0.0
  • Time complexity: O(1)
  • ACL categories: @read

The TYPE command is used to determine the type of value associated with a given key in Redis. The type can be one of the following:

  • string
  • list
  • set
  • zset (sorted set)
  • hash
  • none (if the key does not exist)


Checking the Type of a Key

To determine the type of a key:

TYPE mykey

If mykey is a string, the command will return string. If it's a list, the return value will be list, and so on.

Example Usage

  1. Set a key with different types:

    SET mystring "hello"
    LPUSH mylist "world"
    SADD myset "foo"
    ZADD myzset 1 "bar"
    HSET myhash field "value"
  2. Check the type of each key:

    TYPE mystring
    TYPE mylist
    TYPE myset
    TYPE myzset
    TYPE myhash
  3. Example output:


Non-existent Key

For a key that does not exist:

TYPE nonexistingkey

The reply will be:



  • Simple string reply: The type of the key. The possible values are string, list, set, zset, hash, or none.

Example Reply

If the key mykey is a string:


If the key mykey does not exist:



  • The TYPE command provides a quick way to determine the type of a value associated with a key, which can be useful for debugging and scripting.
  • The command does not check the existence of the key. It will return none for keys that do not exist in the database.
  • Redis keys can only hold one type of value at a time. The TYPE command helps to ensure that operations on keys are compatible with their types.