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Serializes the value of the specified key into a binary format.


DUMP key


  • key: The key whose value you want to serialize and dump.


  • Available since: 2.6.0
  • Time complexity: O(N), where N is the size of the value being serialized.
  • ACL categories: @read

The DUMP command serializes the value of the specified key into a binary format that can be used to reconstruct the key later. This command returns a serialized string that can be used with the RESTORE command to recreate the key with its value.


Serializing a Key

To serialize the value of a key:

DUMP mykey

This command will return a binary string representing the serialized value of mykey. If mykey does not exist, the command will return nil.

Restoring a Serialized Key

To restore a key from a serialized value:

  1. Obtain the serialized value using DUMP:

    DUMP mykey
  2. Use RESTORE to recreate the key:

    RESTORE mykey 0 <serialized_value>

Replace <serialized_value> with the binary string obtained from the DUMP command. Note that TTL (Time To Live) is not supported in RESTORE command, key will be not expired.


  • Bulk string reply: A binary string representing the serialized value of the key.

Example Reply


This is the serialized binary representation of the key's value.


  • The serialized format is Redis-specific and is used internally by Redis to store key-value pairs. It is not intended for direct manipulation outside of Redis.
  • Use DUMP in combination with RESTORE for data migration or backup purposes.
  • If the key does not exist, DUMP returns nil, indicating that there is nothing to serialize.