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Cancels the execution of all previously queued commands in a transaction and resets the connection to the non-transactional state.




  • Available since: 1.0.0
  • Time complexity: O(1).
  • ACL categories: @transaction, @write

The DISCARD command is used to abort a transaction that was initiated using the MULTI command. When DISCARD is called, all commands that were queued up for execution within the transaction are discarded, and the connection is reset to its normal state. This means that no commands that were queued before DISCARD will be executed.


Aborting a Transaction

  1. Start a transaction with MULTI:

  2. Queue some commands:

    SET key1 "value1"
    SET key2 "value2"
  3. Decide to abort the transaction and discard the queued commands:


After running DISCARD, none of the commands queued with MULTI will be executed.


After calling DISCARD, the connection will be out of the transaction state and will be ready to accept new commands normally.

Commands After DISCARD

You can continue to issue commands as usual after DISCARD. For example:

SET key3 "value3"

Edge Cases

  • If DISCARD is called when no transaction is in progress (i.e., when not in a MULTI state), the command will return an error stating that no transaction is in progress.
  • DISCARD will not affect commands that have already been executed before the MULTI command.


  • Simple string reply: OK

Example reply for DISCARD:


This indicates that the transaction was successfully aborted, and all queued commands were discarded.


  • The DISCARD command is used in conjunction with MULTI for managing transactions in Redis.
  • To execute the queued commands, use the EXEC command instead of DISCARD.