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Iterates over keys in the Redis database incrementally.


SCAN cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count]


  • cursor: The cursor position for the iteration. Initially, this should be 0, and Redis will return a new cursor to continue the iteration.
  • MATCH pattern (optional): A pattern to filter the keys returned. This uses glob-style pattern matching (*, ?, [abc]).
  • COUNT count (optional): A hint to the Redis server about how many keys to return per iteration. The actual number returned may vary.


  • Available since: 2.8.0
  • Time complexity: O(1) for each iteration step. The complexity of the complete iteration depends on the number of keys and the matching pattern.
  • ACL categories: @read

The SCAN command is used to incrementally iterate over keys in the Redis database. Unlike the KEYS command, which may block the server if there are many keys, SCAN provides a cursor-based mechanism for iteration, allowing you to process keys in smaller, manageable chunks.


Basic Iteration

To start scanning keys from the beginning:


This command will return a cursor and a list of keys. Use the cursor to continue scanning in subsequent calls.

Iteration with Pattern Matching

To scan for keys matching a specific pattern:

SCAN 0 MATCH user:*

This command will return keys that match the pattern user:*. The cursor returned should be used to continue scanning.

Iteration with Count Hint

To scan with a specific count hint:


This command will try to return approximately 100 keys per iteration. The actual number returned may be less, depending on the internal implementation.

Example Iteration

  1. Start the scan:

    SCAN 0
  2. Response might include:

    1) "cursor"
    2) 1) "key1"
    2) "key2"
    3) "key3"
  3. Continue scanning using the new cursor:

    SCAN cursor
  4. Repeat until the cursor returned is 0, indicating the end of the iteration.


  • Array reply: The first element is the new cursor position, and the second element is a list of keys matching the criteria.

Example Reply

1) "12345"
2) 1) "user:1"
2) "user:2"

Here, "12345" is the new cursor to use for the next scan, and the list contains the keys found.


  • SCAN is safer for production environments than KEYS because it does not block the server and provides a way to incrementally iterate over keys.
  • Be aware that SCAN may return the same key multiple times or miss some keys in some rare cases, especially if keys are being added or removed during the scan.
  • Use the MATCH option to filter results and COUNT to suggest the number of results per iteration, but note that these are hints and the actual behavior may vary.