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Selects the Redis database to use for subsequent commands.


SELECT index


  • index: The index of the database to select. This is an integer representing the database number.


  • Available since: 1.0.0
  • Time complexity: O(1)
  • ACL categories: @admin

Redis databases are indexed by numbers, with the default configuration having 16 databases (numbered from 0 to 15). The SELECT command is used to switch between these databases.


Selecting a Database

To select a specific database:


This command switches the current database to database 1. All subsequent commands will operate on this selected database until a new SELECT command is issued or the connection is closed.

Switching Back to the Default Database

To switch back to the default database (database 0):


This command will switch back to database 0.


  • Simple string reply: OK if the database was successfully selected.

Example Reply


This indicates that the SELECT command was successful, and the selected database has been changed.


  • The SELECT command is used to choose which database to operate on, but it does not persist across connections. Each new connection defaults to database 0 unless a different database is selected.
  • Database indices are zero-based, so valid indices are from 0 to 15 by default, depending on the databases configuration setting in the Redis server configuration file.
  • Changing the database with SELECT affects only the current connection. Different connections can operate on different databases simultaneously.