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Retrieves the value of a key. If the key does not exist, GET returns nil.


GET key


  • key: The name of the key whose value you want to retrieve.


  • Available since: 1.0.0
  • Time complexity: O(1)
  • ACL categories: @read, @string, @fast

The GET command returns the value associated with the specified key. If the key exists but contains a value of a different type, an error is returned. If the key does not exist, GET returns nil.


Basic Usage

Assume we have a key called mykey with the value "Hello, World!":

SET mykey "Hello, World!"

To retrieve the value of mykey:

GET mykey

This will return:

"Hello, World!"

Handling a Non-Existent Key

If you try to get the value of a key that does not exist:

GET nonexistingkey

This will return:


Edge Cases

  • If the key does not exist, GET returns nil.
  • If the key exists but is not a string, an error is returned.


  • Bulk string reply: the value of the key, or nil if the key does not exist.