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Evaluates a previously loaded Lua script by its SHA1 hash.


EVALSHA sha1 numkeys key [key ...] arg [arg ...]


  • sha1: The SHA1 hash of the Lua script that was previously loaded into Redis using the SCRIPT LOAD command.
  • numkeys: The number of keys that the script will access.
  • key: The keys that the script will operate on. There should be numkeys keys specified.
  • arg: Optional arguments that are passed to the script. They can be used inside the Lua script.


  • Available since: 2.6.0
  • Time complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the script and the complexity of the operations performed by the script.
  • ACL categories: @scripting, @write

The EVALSHA command allows you to execute a Lua script using its SHA1 hash. This is more efficient than EVAL when the script is frequently executed, as the script is pre-loaded into Redis and only needs to be referenced by its hash. The EVALSHA command is ideal for scenarios where you want to avoid repeatedly sending large Lua scripts to Redis.


Basic Usage

To execute a Lua script by its SHA1 hash:

  1. Load the script into Redis:

    SCRIPT LOAD "return'SET', 'key', 'value')"
  2. Note the SHA1 hash returned by the command.

  3. Use EVALSHA with the SHA1 hash:

    EVALSHA <sha1> 1 key

In this example, replace <sha1> with the SHA1 hash returned by SCRIPT LOAD. The script sets the key to value.

Script with Multiple Keys

To execute a script that operates on multiple keys:

  1. Load a script with multiple keys:

    SCRIPT LOAD "return'MGET', KEYS[1], KEYS[2])"
  2. Use EVALSHA with the appropriate SHA1 hash:

    EVALSHA <sha1> 2 key1 key2

This will retrieve the values of key1 and key2.

Script with Arguments

To pass arguments to a script:

  1. Load a script with arguments:

    SCRIPT LOAD "return'SET', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])"
  2. Execute using EVALSHA:

    EVALSHA <sha1> 1 key value

Here, ARGV[1] is set to value for key.

Handling Errors

If the SHA1 hash does not match any loaded script, Redis will return an error. To check if a script is loaded, use SCRIPT EXISTS with the SHA1 hash.


  • The result of the script execution is returned as the reply. The reply format depends on the operations performed within the script.

Example Reply

If the script sets a key:


If the script retrieves a value:



  • Using EVALSHA is more efficient than EVAL for frequently executed scripts, as it avoids sending the script text repeatedly.
  • If a script with the given SHA1 hash has not been loaded or has been evicted, Redis will return an error. In such cases, you may need to reload the script using SCRIPT LOAD and retry with EVALSHA.