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Trims a list so that it contains only the specified range of elements specified by the start and stop parameters. The start and stop are zero-based indexes, with 0 being the first element of the list (the head of the list), 1 being the next element, and so on. Negative indexes can be used to denote elements starting from the tail of the list, with -1 being the last element, -2 being the second last element, and so on.


LTRIM key start stop


  • Available since: 1.0.0
  • Time complexity: O(N) where N is the number of elements to be removed.
  • ACL categories: @write, @list, @fast


Assume we have a list called mylist with elements "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", and "f":

RPUSH mylist "a"
RPUSH mylist "b"
RPUSH mylist "c"
RPUSH mylist "d"
RPUSH mylist "e"
RPUSH mylist "f"

Now, let's trim mylist so that it contains elements from index 1 to 4 (inclusive):

LTRIM mylist 1 4


Simple string reply: OK if the operation was successful.