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Performs arbitrary bitfield operations on a string stored at a key.


BITFIELD key [GET type offset] [SET type offset value] [INCRBY type offset increment] [OVERFLOW WRAP|SAT|FAIL]


  • key: The name of the key containing the string to operate on.
  • GET type offset: Retrieves a bitfield value from the string.
  • SET type offset value: Sets a bitfield value in the string.
  • INCRBY type offset increment: Increments (or decrements) a bitfield value by a given increment.
  • OVERFLOW WRAP|SAT|FAIL: Optional. Specifies the overflow behavior when incrementing or decrementing a bitfield value.

Bitfield Types

  • type: Specifies the bitfield type, e.g., i8, u4, i16, etc.
    • i for signed integers
    • u for unsigned integers
  • offset: The bit offset where the operation should start. Can be absolute or relative.
    • #N: Absolute bit offset from the start of the string.
    • N: Relative bit offset from the current position.

Overflow Options

  • WRAP: Wrap around on overflow.
  • SAT: Saturate the value on overflow (clamp to the minimum or maximum value).
  • FAIL: Return an error on overflow.


  • Available since: 3.2.0
  • Time complexity: O(1) for each subcommand, but the overall complexity depends on the number of subcommands and the size of the bitfields being operated on.
  • ACL categories: @write, @bitmap, @slow

The BITFIELD command is a powerful tool for manipulating individual bits or groups of bits (bitfields) within a string stored at a key. It supports various operations, including retrieving, setting, and incrementing bitfield values, as well as specifying how to handle overflows when incrementing values.


Basic Usage

Assume we have a key called mykey and we want to set and retrieve some bitfield values:

Setting a Bitfield

BITFIELD mykey SET i8 0 100

This sets the first 8 bits (starting at offset 0) of mykey to the signed integer value 100.

Getting a Bitfield

BITFIELD mykey GET i8 0

This retrieves the value of the first 8 bits (starting at offset 0) as a signed integer:

(integer) 100

Incrementing a Bitfield with Overflow Control


This increments the 4-bit unsigned integer at bit offset 4 by 1, using saturation overflow behavior. If the value would exceed the maximum representable value (15 for u4), it will be clamped to 15.

Combining Multiple Operations

BITFIELD mykey SET i5 10 7 INCRBY i5 10 3 GET i5 10

This command sequence:

  • Sets a 5-bit signed integer at bit offset 10 to 7.
  • Increments the 5-bit signed integer at bit offset 10 by 3.
  • Retrieves the resulting value.

The final result is:

1) (integer) 7
2) (integer) 10
3) (integer) 10

Edge Cases

  • If the key does not exist, BITFIELD operates as if the key contained an empty string of bits.
  • The OVERFLOW option applies to subsequent INCRBY operations in the same command.
  • If an operation specifies an offset outside the string's current length, the string is automatically extended with zeros.


  • Array reply: list of results corresponding to the GET, SET, and INCRBY operations in the order they were specified.