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EloqKV Proxy


EloqKV Proxy is a high-performance proxy server written in Go, designed to manage multiple EloqKV clusters seamlessly. It allows clients to connect to different EloqKV clusters using tokens (passwords), enabling a multi-tenant environment. The proxy supports dynamic addition and removal of clusters via a RESTful web service, making it ideal for production environments where scalability and flexibility are essential.

Key Features:

  • Multi-Tenancy Support: Route client connections to different EloqKV clusters based on tokens.
  • Dynamic Cluster Management: Add, remove, and check clusters on-the-fly using a RESTful web service.
  • High Available: Proxy is stateless and is a High Available solution when configure with Load Balancer.
  • Configurable: Configure the proxy via a configuration file or command-line arguments.
  • Standard Redis Compatibility: Supports standard Redis commands and authentication mechanisms.

Quick Start

EloqKV proxy can be installed using eloqctl.

Initialize proxy topology file

Example proxy topology template files can be found in the .eloqctl/config/examples directory.

# example yaml file

To deploy proxy, edit the eloqkv_proxy.yaml file

username: "${USER}"
auth_type: "keypair"
keypair: "/home/${USER}/.ssh/id_rsa"
proxy_name: "proxy-1"
proxy_host_ports: [,]
web_service_ports: [8080, 8080]
install_dir: "/home/${USER}"
eloqkv_cluster_addr: []
eloqkv_cluster_token: ["xxxxxxxx"]
eloqkv_cluster_password: ["xxxxxxxx"]

Next, we'll provide detailed explanations for each configuration option available in the YAML file.

The connection section includes settings for connecting to EloqKV nodes from the control machine. If you followed the steps in the Prerequisite Document, you can leave the connection section unchanged.

The proxy_service section covers the configurations for proxy topology and config parameter.

  • proxy_name:
    Type: String
    The name of the proxy cluster being deployed serves as an identifier for the cluster. With eloqctl, you can deploy and manage multiple proxy clusters, each distinguished by its unique name.
  • eloqkv_cluster_addr:
    Type: List of Strings
    Address of the EloqKV cluster. If there are multiple nodes in EloqKV cluster, you only need to put 1 node address here.
  • eloqkv_cluster_token: Type: String
    Token to indicate which cluster should be routed to. Token need to be the same as password in alpha version. If cluster does not have any password, leave it empty.
  • eloqkv_cluster_password: Type: String
    Password the proxy uses to authenticate with the EloqKV cluster. If cluster does not have any password, leave it empty.
  • proxy_host_ports: Type: List of Strings
    Address that each proxy node listens on.
  • web_service_ports: Type: List of Integers
    Port where the management web service listens on each proxy node.

Running the Proxy

eloqctl proxy start --config .eloqctl/config/examples/eloqkv_proxy.yaml

Connecting Clients

Clients can connect to the proxy as they would to a regular EloqKV server.

  • With Token Authentication:
redis-cli -p 6380 -a aaaaaaaa
  • Without Token (if only one cluster and no token is set):
redis-cli -p 6380

Once connected, clients can execute standard Redis commands:

SET key1 "Hello, Redis!"
GET key1


The proxy includes a RESTful web service for managing EloqKV clusters dynamically.

Stop the proxy

eloqctl proxy stop --proxy-name ${proxy_name}

List current proxies

eloqctl proxy list

Adding a New Cluster

You can add a new EloqKV cluster to the proxy without restarting it.

HTTP Request:

  • Method: POST
  • URL: http://web_service_addr/cluster
  • Request Body (JSON):
"cluster_id": "cluster2",
"addrs": [""],
"token": "bbbbbbbb",
"password": "bbbbbbbb"

Example using curl:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"cluster_id": "cluster2",
"addrs": [""],
"token": "bbbbbbbb",
"password": "bbbbbbbb"
}' http://localhost:8080/cluster


Cluster cluster2 added successfully

Checking if a Cluster Exists

HTTP Request:

  • Method: GET
  • URL: http://web_service_addr/cluster/token

Example using curl:

curl http://localhost:8080/cluster/bbbbbbbb


Cluster with token bbbbbbbb exists

Removing a Cluster

HTTP Request:

  • Method: DELETE
  • URL: http://web_service_addr/cluster/token

Example using curl:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/cluster/bbbbbbbb


Cluster with token bbbbbbbb removed successfully