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MonoSQL Migration Tool

MonoSQL supply a migration tool program called migration_tool to migration data into MonoSQL.

DynamoDB support import csv,json files from S3 natively. This import stategy is recommended by DynamoDB since it's cost effective compared to load data into DynamoDB through PutItem request.

SQL database supports to export table into csv files, but DynamoDB will treat all the csv fields as string type, which is not suitable for MonoSQL. Instead json format supports specifying the column type: string(S), integer(N), blob(B) in DynamoDB. As a result, migration_tool is designed to convert SQL database exported csv files into json files with DynamoDB column type information.

Migration Tool Usage

migration_tool is released with MonoSQL and installed at ${MONOSQL_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/

To run migration_tool you need to specify the directory of source database exported csv files, e.g. migrate_csv_dir.

The directory should contains:

  1. the csv files.
  2. the ddl.json file which describe the table schema.

The ddl.json contains all the column type for the table to be migrated. The column type contains four attributes:

  1. column name: a string.
  2. column type: compatible with MySQL data type, includes: tinyint, smallint, mediumint,int,bigint,decimal,float,double,date,datetime,timestamp,time,year,char,varchar,binary,varbinary,tinyblob,tinytext,mediumblob,blob,text,longblob,longtext,enum,set.
  3. is column primary key: default false.
  4. is column unsigned: default false, valid for digit data type.

The example of ddl.json

"name": "pk",
"type": "int",
"unsigned": true,
"is_primary": true
"name": "sk",
"type": "varchar",
"is_primary": true
"name": "c1",
"type": "text",

The following command will convert all the csv files in directory migrate_csv_dir into json format.

./migration_tool migrate_csv_dir


MonoSQL's table should specify primary key. The first column of primary key is partition key of DynamoDB table. The rest of columns of primary key are packed into a binary. This packed key is treated as sorted key.

Currently, the packing function of migration_tool only support integer type. If the packed key contains non integer column, please use AWS DMS to migrate your data.