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Deploy MonoSQL Using Auto Scaling Group

This document describes how to deploy MonoSQL on AWS. For more information about MonoSQL, please refer to the MonoSQL Introduction

You can install MonoSQL using script.

Download the install script.


Check the usage of User need to suppy a VPC and subnet through command line parameters. MonoSQL will be deployed in the specified VPC.

bash --help

Usage: [--vpc=vpc-xxxxxxxx] [--subnets=subnet-xxxxxxxx,subnet-yyyyyyyy]

You can follow the rest of the guide to install and configure MonoSQL manually.

Advanced features like Auto Scaling based on CPU usage and MonoSQL Monitor are required to be setup manually.

Deployment prepare

  1. The user needs to be able to access AWS services and select a region, take ap-northeast-1(Tokyo) region as example for the subsequent operations and deployments.
  2. Create an IAM role named monosql as the instance configuration file for subsequent MonoSQLServer and MonoSQL Monitor, the role's permission must include AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess,AmazonSQSFullAccess,AmazonSNSFullAccess,AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess,CloudWatchLogsFullAccess and CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy. The specific creation process can refer to the following demonstration or the official AWS documentation on Creating an IAM Role in IAM
  3. Create security group. Add custom inbound rules:
  • TCP Port 3306 MonoSQL
  • TCP Port 3000 Grafana
  • TCP Port 9090 Prometheus
  • TCP Port 18081 Node exporter

Bootstrap MonoSQL to Create System Tables in DynamoDB

Before using MonoSQL to access DynamoDB, you are required to create system tables firstly.

  1. Create the EC2 instance using MonoSQL AMI.

Select EC2 > instances > instances Click launch instance, to enter the specific configuration process for the EC2 instance.

  • Step 1: Configure the instance name, set as Mono-Bootstrap.
  • Step 2:Choose the AMI image named MonoSQL for DynamoDB from AWS Market Place.
  • Step 3:Set the instance type to c5.large.
  • Step 4:Set the ssh keypair for SSH login without password, you can use the existing key pair or create a new one.
  • Step 5:Configure the network of the EC2 instance, use security group created before. After completing the above configuration, verify that it is correct, then you can launch the instance. aws-ec2-setting
  1. Create system table corresponding to MonoSQL in DynamoDB

    • SSH into the newly created EC2 instance and run the following command to bootstrap MonoSQL to create system tables in AWS DynamoDB

    • Bootstrap may take several minutes. View the tables in AWS DynamoDB, You can see the tables created by MonoSQL in MonoSQL in AWS DynamoDB. aws-dynamoDB-tables

    • Start the database service

      /home/ubuntu/install/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/home/ubuntu/bootstrap.cnf > mysql_log 2>&1 &
    • Connect to the database by the socket.

      # connect to db.
      sudo /home/ubuntu/install/bin/mysql -S /tmp/mysqld3306.sock
    • Create a SQL user sysbfor benchmark testing and a user mono for database monitoring by the following command.

      # create sysbench user and monitor user.
      CREATE USER 'sysb'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'sysb';
      GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'sysb'@'%';


Create an Auto Scaling Group Based on MonoSQL

Auto Scaling Group is a cloud service provided by AWS that allows you to automatically adjust the number of EC2 instances to meet the needs of your application. With Auto Scaling Group, you can automatically configure the number of MonoSQL instances based on request flow without manual intervention. Select EC2 > Auto Scaling > Auto Scaling Group Click Crate Auto Scaling Group, enter the specific configuration process for the Auto Scaling Group.

  1. Step 1 Choose a launch template or configuration
    • Set Auto Scaling Group name,Note that the group name must be set to MonoSQL,because the monitor components Prometheus and Grafana will monitor this resource group based on this name. auto-scaling-name
    • Set the launch template, Choose Launch Configuration, ignore the warnings, and click create a launch configuration. Configure a custom launch template according to the following demonstration.


      When configure the launch template, the IAM instance configuration must meet condition 2 in Deployment prepare that is select the user role named monosql that has already been created.

  2. Step 2 Choose instance start-up options Choose the appropriate availability zone and subnet ap-northeast-1a | subnet-015bc66fedce1b8c0
  3. Step 3 Configure advanced options
    • Create a new network load balancer new-Load-Balancer
    • Set theload balancer type to Network Load Balancer
    • Configure the load balancer name,Here you can configure the desired name that complies with the AWS naming convention. Here, it is set to MonoSQL-LB-ALPHA
    • Set load balancer scheme to Internal loader-balancer-scenario
    • Set availability zone and subnet to subnet-015bc66fedce1b8c0(公有) loader-balancer-scenario
    • Configure the listener and routing to listen on port 3306 and route to MonoSQL-LB-Zean|TCP by default. loader-balancer-port
  4. Step 4 Configure group size and scaling policies Set the VM instance requirement value to 3, with a maximum value of 8 and a minimum value of 0. You can configure it as needed.

After all settings are completed, you can successfully create an Auto Scaling Group named MonoSQL, and the load balancer MonoSQL-LB-ALPHA will also be created along with it. The load balancer has a binded target group. If you enable health check, please edit the target group health check settings by setting Health check protocol to TCP and Health check port to 18081.

  • In the AWS console, select EC2 > Load Balancer > Load Balancers:
  • In the AWS console, select EC2 > Instances > Instances: As you can see, three new running instances have been added, which are the three demanded nodes we set in the Auto Scaling Group.

Create a Monitor Instance based on MonoSQLMonitor Virtual Image

The MonoSQLMonitor virtual image integrates Prometheus and Grafana monitoring components, which can be used to monitor the Auto Scaling Group. Prometheus is a monitoring tool that can collect and store metric data for distributed databases, and Grafana is a data visualization tool that can display this metric data in charts and other formats, helping users to better understand and analyze the performance and operating status of distributed databases.

  1. Create an EC2 Instance based on MonoSQLMonitor. If you are not on region us-east-1, you need to login into the monitor instance and manually edit /home/ubuntu/prometheus-2.45.0-rc.0.linux-amd64/prometheus.yml to replace us-east-1 with your region. The next release of MonoSQL monitor and detect region automatically.
  2. Access the WebUI of Grafana. After creating the MonoSQLMonitor monitor instance, the instance will by default monitor the Auto Scaling Group with the name MonoSQL, You can enter monitor_EC2_instance_IP:3000 in a browser to acces Grafana. The default username and password are both admin, Please change it in your first login. SelectDashboards> General > Monograph Server to enter the following interface Click Monograph Server to enter the following interface, where you can see that the three started instances under the Auto Scaling group are all being monitored by the monitor instance

Use CloudWatch for Metric Tracking and Log Management

CloudWatch is a monitor service provided by AWS, which can be used to monitor resources and applications in the AWS cloud environment. It can monitor the metrics of AWS services, collect and track log files to help diagnose application and system problems. MonoSQL saves the running logs of instances in the Auto Scaling group in CloudWatch. Users can enter CloudWatch to view the logs and can also use CloudWatch to monitor their predictive scaling policies. Select CloudWatch > Logs > Log Groups, and click on monosql-service to display the following interface You can view the corresponding log information as needed.