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Simple query

In this document, we will start to introduce how to use SQL to perform basic query operations on the data in the EloqSQL.


Before reading this document, you need to do the following preparations:

  1. Build a EloqSQL cluster (you can use single machine build or multiple machine build)
  2. Import or create the corresponding test data table

Execute a simple query

EloqSQL is compatible with MySQL, so it supports the standard SELECT statement provided by MySQL for query, including complex commands such as using WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, LIMIT, etc. to filter and sort data, and limit the number of query results. Through the database creation example we provide, you can create a eloq database and corresponding data tables. The created data table employees stores some basic information of the company's employees.

To view the data in the employees, use the SELECT statement

SELECT employee_id, first_name FROM employees;

The result is as follows:

| employee_id | first_name |
| 100 | Steven |
| 101 | Neena |
| 102 | Lex |
| 103 | Alexander |
| 203 | Susan |
| 204 | Hermann |
| 205 | Shelley |
| 206 | William |
107 rows in set (0.002 sec)

Filter results

In some data tables, there are a large amount of data. If all of them are queried, the amount of data is very large, and some data users do not need. At this time, you can use the where statement to filter the query results to find the desired data. Use the WHERE clause to query all information of an employee whose first_name is Nandita:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE first_name = 'Nandita';

The result is as follows:

+-------------+------------+-----------+---------- +--------------+------------+----------+---------+ ----------------+------------+---------------+
| employee_id | first_name | last_name | email | phone_number | hire_date | job_id | salary | commission_pct | manager_id | department_id |
+-------------+------------+-----------+---------- +--------------+------------+----------+---------+ ----------------+------------+---------------+
184 | Nandita | Sarchand | NSARCHAN | 650.509.1876 | 1996-01-27 | SH_CLERK | 4200.00 | NULL | 121 |
+-------------+------------+-----------+---------- +--------------+------------+----------+---------+ ----------------+------------+---------------+
1 row in set (0.004 sec)

Sort results

In some scenarios, we need to sort some information in the data table to know the maximum value and minimum value of the corresponding data. At this time, you can use the ORDER BY statement to sort the query results in the desired way.

For example, the following SQL statement can be used to sort the data of the employees table in descending order (DESC) according to the salary column

SELECT employee_id, first_name, salary
FROM employees

The result is as follows:

| employee_id | first_name | salary |
| 100 | Steven | 24000.00 |
| 101 | Neena | 17000.00 |
| 102 | Lex | 17000.00 |
| 145 | John | 14000.00 |
| 146 | Karen | 13500.00 |
| 201 | Michael | 13000.00 |
| 205 | Shelley | 12000.00 |
| 108 | Nancy | 12000.00 |
| 131 | James | 2500.00 |
| 191 | Randall | 2500.00 |
| 140 | Joshua | 2500.00 |
| 182 | Martha | 2500.00 |
| 135 | Ki | 2400.00 |
| 127 | James | 2400.00 |
| 128 | Steven | 2200.00 |
| 136 | Hazel | 2200.00 |
| 132 | TJ | 2100.00 |
107 rows in set (0.007 sec)

Limit the number of query results

If users want to return only partial records when querying, they can use the LIMIT statement to limit the number of records returned by the query results.

SELECT employee_id, first_name, salary
FROM employees

The result is as follows:

| employee_id | first_name | salary |
| 100 | Steven | 24000.00 |
| 101 | Neena | 17000.00 |
| 102 | Lex | 17000.00 |
| 145 | John | 14000.00 |
| 146 | Karen | 13500.00 |
| 201 | Michael | 13000.00 |
| 205 | Shelley | 12000.00 |
| 108 | Nancy | 12000.00 |
| 147 | Alberto | 12000.00 |
| 168 | Lisa | 11500.00 |
10 rows in set (0.001 sec)

By observing the query results, you will find that after using the LIMIT statement, the query time is significantly shortened.

Aggregate queries

Users may need to pay attention to the overall data situation. At this time, the data needs to be aggregated so that the user can pay attention to the overall situation of the data according to a certain indicator to obtain an overall understanding of the data.

At this time, you can use GROUP BY statement with the aggregation function to achieve an overall understanding of the data

For example, if you want to know which department has a large number of employees, you can group the basic information of writers according to the department_id column, and then count the number of employees in different departments:

SELECT department_id, COUNT(DISTINCT employee_id) AS employee_count
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id
ORDER BY employee_count DESC;

The result is as follows:

| department_id | employee_count |
| 50 | 45 |
| 80 | 34 |
| 100 | 6 |
| 30 | 6 |
| 60 | 5 |
| 90 | 3 |
| 110 | 2 |
| 20 | 2 |
| NULL | 1 |
| 10 | 1 |
| 40 | 1 |
| 70 |1 |
12 rows in set (0.038 sec)

Note: Use the GROUP BY statement to group by column, for non-group columns need to use aggregate functions:

Aggregation functions supported by EloqSQL

Function nameFunction description
COUNT()Returns the number of rows retrieved
COUNT(DISTINCT)returns the number of distinct values
SUM()returns sum
AVG()returns the average
MAX()returns the maximum value
MIN()returns the minimum value
GROUP_CONCAT()returns the concatenated string
VARIANCE(), VAR_POP()Returns the population standard variance
STD(), STDDEV(), STDDEV_POPreturns the aggregate standard deviation
VAR_SAMP()Returns the sampling variance
STDDEV_SAMP()Returns the sampled standard deviation

Multi-table join queries

In many scenarios, the data we need is stored in multiple tables at the same time. At this time, we need to use the JOIN command to perform multi-table connection operations so that the data of two or more tables can be combined and displayed. Eloq supports basic inner join INNER JOIN, left outer join LEFT OUTER JOIN and right outer join RIGHT OUTER JOIN

For example, if you want to know the more specific department information of each employee, not just the department number, you need to connect the employee table employees with the department table departments.

  • INNER JOIN In the following SQL statement, use the JOIN statement to combine the data rows of the left table employees and the right table departments in the way of inner join, and the join condition is employees.department_id=departments.department_id.

    SELECT e.employee_id,e.first_name,d.department_name
    FROM employees e
    JOIN departments d ON e.department_id = d.department_id;

    The result is as follows:

    | employee_id | first_name | department_name |
    | 100 | Steven | Executive |
    | 101 | Neena | Executive |
    | 102 | Lex | Executive |
    | 103 | Alexander | IT |
    | 104 | Bruce | IT |
    | 105 | David | IT |
    | 106 | Valli | IT |
    | 176 | Jonathon | Sales |
    | 177 | Jack | Sales |
    | 179 | Charles | Sales |
    | 180 | Winston | Shipping |
    | 201 | Michael | Marketing |
    | 202 | Pat | Marketing |
    | 203 | Susan | Human Resources |
    | 204 | Hermann | Public Relations |
    | 205 | Shelley | Accounting |
    | 206 | William | Accounting |
    106 rows in set (0.004 sec)
  • LEFT OUTER JOIN The left outer join returns all the rows in the left table and the values in the right table that match the join condition. if no rows matched in the right table, it will be filled with NULL.

    For example, The table employees contains information about the company's employees, and the table departments contains information about the company's departments. If you want to display all employees information and their departments information, even if some employees do not have departments, their information should be displayed.

    In the following SQL statement, use the LEFT JOIN keyword to declare that the left table employees will be joined to the right table employees in a left outer join, thus ensuring that all rows in the employees table are returned.

    SELECT e.employee_id,e.first_name,d.department_name
    FROM employees e
    LEFT JOIN departments d ON e.department_id = d.department_id;

    The result is as follows:

    | employee_id | first_name | department_name |
    | 100 | Steven | Executive |
    | 101 | Neena | Executive |
    | 102 | Lex | Executive |
    | 103 | Alexander | IT |
    | 104 | Bruce | IT |
    | 105 | David | IT |
    | 106 | Valli | IT |
    | 176 | Jonathon | Sales |
    | 177 | Jack | Sales |
    | 178 | Kimberely | NULL |
    | 179 | Charles | Sales |
    | 202 | Pat | Marketing |
    | 203 | Susan | Human Resources |
    | 204 | Hermann | Public Relations |
    | 205 | Shelley | Accounting |
    | 206 | William | Accounting |
    107 rows in set (0.002 sec)
  • RIGHT OUTER JOIN A right outer join returns all the records in the right table and the values ​​in the left table that match the join condition. If there is no matching value, it is filled with NULL.

    For example, If you want to know which newly established departments do not have employees, you can use the RIGHT JOIN statement to combine the employees table and the department table.

    SELECT e.employee_id,e.first_name,d.department_name
    FROM employees e
    RIGHT JOIN departments d ON e.department_id = d.department_id;
    | employee_id | first_name | department_name |
    | 200 | Jennifer | Administration |
    | 201 | Michael | Marketing |
    | 202 | Pat | Marketing |
    | 114 | Den | Purchasing |
    | 115 | Alexander | Purchasing |
    | 176 | Jonathon | Sales |
    | 177 | Jack | Sales |
    | 179 | Charles | Sales |
    | 100 | Steven | Executive |
    | 205 | Shelley | Accounting |
    | 206 | William | Accounting |
    | NULL | NULL | Treasury |
    | NULL | NULL | Corporate Tax |
    | NULL | NULL | Control And Credit |
    | NULL | NULL | Shareholder Services |
    | NULL | NULL | Benefits |
    | NULL | NULL | Manufacturing |
    | NULL | NULL | Construction |
    | NULL | NULL | Contracting |
    | NULL | NULL | Operations |
    | NULL | NULL | IT Support |
    | NULL | NULL | NOC |
    | NULL | NULL | IT Helpdesk |
    | NULL | NULL | Government Sales |
    | NULL | NULL | Retail Sales |
    | NULL | NULL | Recruiting |
    | NULL | NULL | Payroll |
    122 rows in set (0.012 sec)
  • CROSS JOIN When the join condition is constant, the inner join between the two tables is called a cross join. A cross join joins every record of the left table to all the records of the right table. If the number of records in the left table is m and the number of records in the right table is n, then m*n records will be generated in the result set.