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Announcing EloqKV

· 6 min read

We’re thrilled to introduce EloqKV, a Redis API-compatible, transactional, distributed key-value database. You might be thinking, “Another key-value database? Really?” But in this post, we’ll explain what makes EloqKV stand out and the unique values EloqKV offers.

EloqKV is the first product built on our groundbreaking Data Substrate technology, an innovative architecture designed to create high-performance, modular, scalable, and transactional databases for the cloud era. We introduced Data Substrate in our previous blog post..

Like many key-value stores, EloqKV delivers exceptional performance, handling millions of operations per second on a single server node with sub-millisecond latency. But with its revolutionary architecture, EloqKV offers unique features that set it apart from other key-value databases.

Full ACID Transactions when You Need Them

Many key-value stores keep all data in memory to achieve low latency. However, this approach significantly increases costs, as even infrequently accessed (cold) data takes up valuable memory. Additionally, durability is often sacrificed for performance, although optimized Write-Ahead Logs (WAL) on modern SSDs can often help reduce the impact to acceptable levels. Moreover, due to the high cost of distributed transactions, most distributed key-value stores either forgo transaction support or offer only limited, partial transactions.

EloqKV takes a different approach, embracing the philosophy that ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions are important but should not add extra costs when they’re not needed. EloqKV lets you enable ACID on a per-database basis. When ACID is disabled, EloqKV incurs no additional overhead, offering performance comparable to non-transactional key-value databases.

Even with full ACID compliance, EloqKV incorporates several innovations to minimize overhead. For example, the latency of WAL logging is typically dominated by synchronous writes to stable storage. In EloqKV, logging can scale horizontally and independently, reducing logging latency when more storage devices are added (within physical constraints). We’ll dive deeper into these technologies in future blog posts or academic papers.

Scale as You Need, on What You Need

EloqKV is designed for scalability from the ground up. Each resource type—memory, CPU cores, logging SSDs, and persistent storage—can be scaled independently. This level of flexibility is crucial in the cloud era, where resources can be easily provisioned from cloud providers.

If your workload is latency-sensitive and requires all data to be stored in memory, you can reserve virtual machines with large memory capacities. Need to handle a high volume of updates that must be persisted? Simply add a few extra EBS volumes as logging devices. If your data is large, you can use cloud storage options like DynamoDB or S3 to cost-effectively store infrequently accessed data.

We’re also developing transparent, dynamic scaling, which will allow you to add and remove resources as your workload changes. This feature will be available in a public preview soon, so stay tuned.

You Want Ease of Use? You Get Ease of Use

EloqKV is compatible with the Redis API and supports most of Redis’s essential data structures. This means that most existing applications can easily take advantage of EloqKV’s advanced features with minimal effort.

But EloqKV’s ease of use goes beyond API compatibility. The true user-friendliness of EloqKV lies in the fundamental architectural design choices we’ve made.

EloqKV can be deployed as a single-node key-value store, similar to Redis and Memcached. However, EloqKV is inherently designed as a distributed system. It can be deployed in a cluster with ease, instantly benefiting from the high availability and scalability of a true distributed system—no need for a sentinel or special cluster mode.

Thanks to its built-in cluster awareness and ACID support, an EloqKV cluster behaves almost identically to a single-node server. When connected to one of the nodes, a Redis-compatible client can access and modify data across all nodes in the cluster, potentially with an extra network hop (because physics applies), even if the client is not cluster-aware, and even when the cluster is recovering from failures or changing configuration to add/remove capacity. Additionally, MULTI commands (i.e., Redis transactions) and Lua scripts can run in the cluster just as they would on a single-node database, eliminating issues like SLOTS and "CROSSSLOT Keys" errors.

Performance and Cost

Performance and cost are always critical factors when evaluating database systems. Numerous database vendors publish articles or white papers claiming performance superiority. It is sufficient to say that we've put a great deal of thought into performance optimziations. We strive to make EloqKV with best-in-class performance when features are fairly matched, and we are glad to report that we largely achieved the goal. We encourage you to try out EloqKV and assess it with your own workloads. We will share some performance benchmarks for EloqKV in a few separate posts later.

One key point to note is that some of EloqKV's advanced features—such as enabling logging for durability, performing atomic MULTI operations across multiple nodes, and using SSDs to store cold data to reduce memory usage—might be more cost-effective than you expect. Again, we encourage you to test it with your workloads.

Introducing EloqKV for Public Preview

Today, we are releasing EloqKV for public preview. This release supports two persistent stores: Apache Cassandra and RocksDB. Cassandra is a disaggregated store that can run on a different set of nodes from EloqKV servers for high availability, while RocksDB is an embedded store. The deployment of the persistent store is automatic when EloqKV is started.

EloqKV Architecture

EloqKV can be deployed in various configurations:

  • As a cache: When logging and the persistent store are turned off, EloqKV functions as a high-performance in-memory cache, similar to mainstream cache solutions with performance matching the state-of-the-art in-memory cache solutions.

  • As an in-memory database: By enabling logging and the persistent store, EloqKV provides durability while maintaining the same fast read performance as a cache. It flushes writes to the log and applies them to memory-resident data. It also maintains snapshots in stable storage, ensuring full, consistent data recovery after failures or restarts.

  • As a larger-than-memory database: When the allocated memory is insufficient to store all data, EloqKV evicts data to stable storage and retrieves it as needed. In this mode, EloqKV serves as a strong alternative to many NoSQL databases.

  • As a full blown transactional distributed database: When deployed in the cloud, EloqKV can be configured as a fully scalable, highly available, and ACID-capable database that can be used as the main store to host primary data. Traditionally this is a postition often taken by expensive RMDBS.

We foresee many scenarios that EloqKV can be valuable due to its unique features and capabilities, and we love to hear from you on your use cases and pain points that EloqKV may be able to help. We are working hard to improve the product and add more capabilities. If you have any questions or suggestions, or want to have an in-person demonstration, please contact us.

In the next few blog posts, we will share some performance benchmarks of EloqKV in different scenarios.